Minggu, 07 Juli 2013


Terminological language is defined as a system of arbitrary sound symbol generated by said tools used by humans and society communication, cooperation and self-identification. Spoken language is the primary language, while written language is a secondary language. Arbitrary ie there is no relationship between the sound symbol with the object.

From the above definition can be captured an understanding that language holds a very vital role in human social life.
Experts map the function of language in social life into several points, namely:
1. Tool to communicate with our fellow human beings.
2. Tools for working with others (social).
3. Tools to identify (actualization) self.
4. Social engineering tool
Even though almost all know the importance of foreign languages, but awareness to learn it does not always run in a linear fashion. Similar conditions are found in the boarding institutions, especially those identified as traditional schools.
There are several reasons why foreign languages ​​(other than Arabic) received less attention in the pesantren community.
First, there is the fear of psychological barriers to learning. During this time when people talk about the English language for example, which appears in the assumption then is that the language is very difficult to learn.
Second, there are cultural constraints in the sense that learning foreign languages ​​in schools is not considered a predominance.
Third, lack of access to an understanding of the foreign language itself. Fourth, the lack of adequate human resources to develop foreign language.
Fourth, a very basic factor is the ideological biases which language is understood as part of a particular religion. For example, Arabic is considered as the language of Islam, English as a Christian, as a representation language Chinese Confucianism and so on.
Foreign Language and Boarding School
During this time in society there is an ambiguous view of the pesantren. One side boarding synonymous with "ketradisionalan" in a negative sense (left, conservative, and so forth), but most of the others looked at that boarding school is a separate entity with his trademark is not owned by other institutions, including the education system is run. Contradictions like that that in turn became the magnet schools to lure various circles to go into it any further by conducting scientific research.
Associated with a foreign language, true pesantren education system has had strong roots. Mastery of foreign languages ​​(especially Arabic) to be one hallmark of even the benchmark for the level of learning success run. It can easily be known from the literature that taught Arabic literature which is very dominant. Besides the linguistic sciences (nahwu, sharaf, balaghah) also taught systematically at all levels.
Unfortunately, that understanding of a foreign language so far is only limited by the "Arabic". As mentioned above, it is not separated from the general view among schools that consider Arabic as the only language that can be accepted because it is the language of "religion".
Furthermore, the assumption thus emerged as a result of an education system that is rooted in a historical and schools as part of a propaganda Islamiyah. According to Muhammad Yunus, from the beginning was on a mission boarding school where the main in the spread and teaching of religious sciences from basic level to the highest level.
Islamic Education in Boarding School System
(The period of Sultan Agung)
Pesantren Takhassus: the specification of Islamic knowledge and congregations. Mampelajari specific subjects in depth and specific learning institutes particularly Qadariyah, Naqsyabandiyah and Syatiriyah.
(Top Level)
Large and Public boarding schools: learning fiqh, tafsir, hadith, astronomy (astronomy), Arabic grammar and Sufism.
(High Level)
Pesantren area with books Elementary: studying the books of fiqh with an emphasis on school syarfi'i like Fathul Qarib, moral basics as Bidayatul Hidayah.
(Intermediate Level)
Classes Qur'an for children aged 7 years and over. The goal is to equip the students with the ability to read the Qur'an
Source: Muhammad Yunus, History of Islamic Education of Indonesia, Jakarta, 1993, p. 226-227
Preferential treatment to the Arabic language, in turn, makes possible the barriers to entering other foreign languages ​​to be studied in schools. If so, then the most basic things to do before teaching a foreign language, English in schools khsususnya is change the perspective to it and realize the importance of English proficiency in the schools, especially in this global era.
How to start?
After the change the perspective and awareness of the importance of English for pesantre, there are still some steps that should be done, ie mapping, analyzing, planning, doing and evaluating.
Mapping or mapping problem is the early identification of steps whatever problems faced by schools so far, especially that related to the teaching of English. Also map out what needs must be met if it is to develop English language and related aspects.
Once the mapping is done, the next important step is to conduct the analysis (analyzing), the extent of possibilities, opportunities, challenges that can be expected. One of the commonly used analytical models to determine the opportunities and challenges of SWOT Analysis is a model developed by Albert Humphrey.
In the image above there are four elements that must be considered in the analysis, namely the element strengths (strengths, strength), weaknesses (weaknesses), opportunities (opportunities) and threats (challenges tangangan).
In the context of an analysis of the possibility of teaching English in schools, then the analysis model can be applied as follows:
- Become familiar with the study of foreign languages, especially Arabic
- Support the education system (model boarding)
- Kepemiminan
- Networking with overseas
- The view of the English minor
- Ideological biases
- Lack of facilities
- Lack of human resources
- Boarding School has recognized its existence as part of the National Education
- The opening of formal institutions; m'had ali, takhassus, foreign language institute
- Advanced Study Scholarship to various State
- Student exchange programs / schools
Based on the above analysis, it can be seen that the opportunities and the development of English language teaching in schools is very open. But no less important is the existence of good faith (good will) of the schools policy makers to initiate birth education institutions foreign language (English) which is managed by the respective schools.
Methods of Learning
As noted earlier, one of the obstacles to the development efforts of English in schools is the notion that the English language is difficult. Dikesmpingkan assumption can not be granted, because in reality it is just a set of assumptions such as that which would be a major factor why the English language has never thrive in educational institutions (not just schools).
One way suggested by practitioners teaching English to dispel the notion as it is to introduce and teach English in an appropriate method. So far it has many known methods, such as methods of teaching the language to language, psikolearning methods, methods of social interaction and so on. (Here only be described a little some of these methods). Ppemiihan appropriate methods, but can be difficult to remove the impression of English can also help speed up the mastery.
In simple terms may be understood as psikolearning peembelajaran method that uses the approach by adjusting the psychological condition of students. In the perspective of a person's psychological condition can be divided into three types, namely: auditory, visual and kinesthetic.
Auditory is a condition where in a person's behavior is more likely to use elements of his hearing. People like this are usually more comfortable when listening to good music, songs can inspire the spirit and so on. More easily people who are interested in the beauty of the sound. Learning methods appropriate for people in this category is auditory learning, which is an easy way to learn the medengarkan. This can be supported by a lot of listening to your favorite songs, news, speeches, listen to more of a conversation in a foreign language. With unkapan and greeting, note the context or situation in which the words are used. Then, do it again and again, then we will meet with similar expressions, which can be practiced on a regular basis so that we are more adept at saying and use it.
Visual is the behavior of people in more highlight aspects of his eyes. JNI types of people would be interested in something that is uncomfortable to watch or be seen. For people who fall into this category, appropriate learning methods is visually learing, ie learning through visual input, such as images and text. Many ways can be applied according to the learning style, such as the articles read something interesting in a foreign language, or reading the writings that are considered important in the newspapers, internet, or magazines. Could also write a sample letter, proposals, and brochures. To understand it, we can tell it back with the words that we arrange themselves, either in writing or speech. We can also describe it in the form of visual flow chart, table, or other visual forms.
While kinestethic is a person who in his behavior over mengedepankaan hand gestures. People who are considered to be included in this category should be taught the language with kinesthetic learning methods, which are more suitable way of learning by using motion, for example by writing (moving the hands to write), or trying to understand a word / phrase to visualize the movement, which is usually associated with meaning of these words. Usually, this kind of activity requires a tool, such as a computer or other props.
Methods Komunikstif
Learning English using the communicative approach (komunikative Annäherung) can motivate learners, if the measures taken can be used as a forum for learners to practice the language learned for example, dialogue / interact in small groups by utilizing the available material in the textbook as well as from other sources.
To achieve the goal of learning English communicative need for methodical didactic changes that lead to social interaction and encourage learners to engage in the learning process. Teaching and learning process as above is more directed to the CBSA (Students Active Learning Method).
T. Raka Joni (1984: 17) the expression of that learning process that leads to the CBSA has the following indicators:
First, how far dare initiate students to take the initiative without being explicitly asked by the teacher, for example, in determining the steps to learn, looking for reading materials and others.
Second, the extent to mentally engage students in learning activities that are in progress.
Third, how far teachers can change the position of a person who leads and arrange everything into a companion (facilitator) who are ready to help students, as far as it is needed.
Fourth, how far students can learn directly through experience in teaching and learning.
Fifth, the extent and form of learning tools mngajar varied.
Sixth, what degree of quality interaction between students, both intellectually and emotionally.
Six indicators above can be used as a reference for creating social interaction in learning English. So as to create teaching and learning processes effectively and efficiently in accordance with the expectations of teachers and learners.
9 Principles of Learning Methods
Namely the nine principles of learning that is designed for learning that can be implemented to reach the goals that have been implemented. The nine principles are:
First, the teacher acts as director. In this case the teacher should serve as a director and screenwriter, in the sense that teachers plan scenes and determine the order while the students act as the characters, so that more learner activity and interaction among them. Scenario is the plan of learning - teaching (Unterrichtsvorbereitung) are in the upper phase-to-phase (Unterrichtsfasen).
Second, the phase change needs to be done once. This step is needed because in general human ability to concentrate fully on a phenomenon only approximately twenty minutes. Certainly not easy to shift habits Lehrerzentriert teaching (teacher-centered) to Lehnerzentriet (student-centered).
This method requires some of the students, such as spontaneity, activity, courage to risk and responsibility. Even so should the teachers did not despair for patiently trying to familiarize learners play an active role in the learning process. The learners should be invited to find their own answers / information that they need (inductive method). This will create pride for them, so the more motivated.
To support the change of phase, teachers can implement various forms of exercise (Ubungformen) as well as how to do it (Arbeitsformen) between Einzelarbeit, Patnerarbeit, Gruppenarbeit, Plenumsarbeit and Frontalunterricht. (Erna, 1992: 23)
Third, the teacher explains only the things that are important to explain. Typically learners will berbicra or learn to speak when teachers were not talking. So teachers need to try to hold back, only as necessary to explain and provide an opportunity for students to participate more actively. Only things that absolutely need to have to be explained. About a well-organized and clear objectives will be easily understood only if students ask questions and ask for clarification on tearsebut, then the teacher to explain. Give time to the learner to think, would be more meaningful than talking endlessly activity, because here also there is no activity that is at the head of the learners.
Fourth, teachers should tolerate errors. Tolerate errors silence does not mean teachers only mistake made by the learner, but rather discussing and corrected in accordance with the purpose of the exercise. Error correction should be in accordance with relevant training purposes. (Ekadewi 1993:24) For example: when the student gives an answer in the form of the questions are interrelated, teachers should not be cut to correct, as this will distract the students on what will be delivered, the error should not be commented upon. Errors are normal, no one intends to make. A wrong answer though is the result of a business.
In addition it also has the meaning of fault diagnosis bagii teacher, because the teacher can analyze a fault finding weakness lies in the mastery of the material. Praise, support and appreciation for the efforts of students usually strengthen the confidence of students and enhance mutual trust between students and teachers. Instead of criticism of the excessive teacher sometimes - sometimes more likely to bring a sense of worry and fear to make mistakes when learning to express their opinions, so that creativity can suffer. Such criticism should be avoided by the teachers.
Fifth, teachers and learners should strive to use language learned as a language of instruction. Intended use is taught so that students can feel that the limited vocabulary is not a barrier to bekomunikasi, in addition in order to train students to think and speak in the language they are learning, it will prepare them to be able to react in a reasonable real communication situations.
Sixth, motivation is one of the contributing factors in learning. Motivation is critical to achieve even learning success. Therefore students need to be motivated, either to the subjects and to the material. J.S. Bruner a psychologist studying education and psychology experts suggests motivation as one of the four themes of education in addition to the structure of knowledge readiness (readiness) and the value of intuition in the educational process.
Seventh, teachers should not underestimate the common knowledge and knowledge that have been previously dominated (vorkenntnisse). A student will be happy to actively speak up if he feels able to tell him things he already knew the conversation in the classroom according to the knowledge he possessed. Even in a situation that is not too formal interaction is sometimes a student is more active and become involved in the true sense communication between students and students or between students and teachers as well.
To start with a new theme, the teacher should know to what extent students have knowledge in that field. Accommodated students' prior knowledge and turned back on, because it will be worth the effort teachers explain a new theme, if students do not have the basic knowledge to master it, otherwise students will quickly get bored if you do not get extra knowledge.
Eighth, an objective discussion of the material needed by the students. To boost the spirit of learning is better if students know the meaning and purpose of the discussion of a matter. If students need to know the material, of course, curiosity gets bigger. Because of the curiosity that will meninbulkan strong appeal. Thus the cycle is known in the psychology of learning: the attraction, motivation, success magnetism.
Ninth, Occasional teacher should also ask for feedback (Rueck-meldungen) of the students. This is necessary as the evaluation of teaching materials that have been given. But do not let the students felt that the feedback was not observed. Should be relevant criticisms can be used as reference in making changes for the better. So in the end the arising of mutual trust, mutual need, mutual aid, which would certainly add to the fun of learning and teaching. Prerequisite for successful teaching and learning is openness among teachers as learners as a director and actor.
Ultimately the success of teaching and the development of foreign language, especially English in schools is determined by many factors, ranging from the changing perceptions, methods, availability of facilities and infrastructure, and so forth. But actually the most decisive factor is the willingness of the schools themselves to publicly accept and realize the importance of English for scientific development.
Allaah knows sowab bus.


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